You may remember CONTENT from a few years ago, 2015 to be exact. It was at the Ace Hotel from 2009-2015, a big site specific installation with lots of people and excitement for what Portland had to offer? Well it’s back and it’s now called CONTENT, pronounced like the happy feeling of ease, and with a new location, in old town @ The Society Hotel. The concept is each artist takes over an entire hotel room for the night and transforms it into a conceptual or multimedia installation, forgoing the "traditional" product display setups or pop up shops. The rooms stand as a collective testament to the outsized talent and vitality of Portland's art/design/creative culture scene.
Artists essentially do "room take overs”. For one night, an entire hotel becomes a collection of small worlds - each micro universe like stepping into the brain of an individual artist. It isn’t (necessarily) about commerce, it’s about art and the PORTLAND community. Patrons will travel from room to room, each with its own unique feel. Eventually the patrons end up in the lobby bar to party and discuss their favorite rooms.
CONTENT IS BACK. Portland needs healing. Portland needs LOVE. Portland needs a re-birth and it ain’t gonna happen on its own. Also we are keeping the name. CONTENT but evolving the meaning to Con-tent: peace of mind; mental or emotional satisfaction or being satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else Portland is what we make it, right? Old Town, where Society Hotel is located, is one of the most distressed and negatively impacted parts of our city and needs this the most.
Tickets — $20 - $25 in advance, $30 at the door
Society Hotel: